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You decide to donate clean drinking water in addition to tents.

Myca’s president thanks you for the assistance, and you are pleased to strengthen the U.S. relationship with this important trade partner.

But there are further problems: Mycan students are still protesting the canceled elections. And the U.S. ambassador to Myca just informed you that there was a fight in Displacement Camp 6 over food. Apparently, everyone was pushing and shoving to get to the aid trucks, and some people went away empty-handed.

When the truck arrived, there was such a crush of people behind and in front of me. I barely managed to get a loaf of bread. It was frightening.

— Mother of three in Displacement Camp 6

We refuse to back down. There will never be real democracy in Myca until we have free and fair elections.

— Mycan student protest leader

I’m not saying don’t help the Mycans. But how can the United States afford to help every disaster victim in the world?

The Oklahoma Daily letter to the editor
Person with gloves putting supplies in a box