You decide to fund international election observer teams as a goodwill gesture towards Myca’s current president.
The observers will ensure that the elections are free and fair, and you will strengthen the U.S. relationship with the leader of an important trading partner. You have the U.S. ambassador to Myca deliver the good news to the president. You then contact these groups, which say they will start preparing teams right away.
Your next call is to the USAID administrator, telling her to start delivering humanitarian aid to Myca.
— Director of the Carter Center’s democracy programsImpartial election observers play an important role. They make sure people can vote free of interference or intimidation.
— USAID logistics officerWe’re going to fly the aid packages into Myca. That’s faster than transporting them by ship.
— Joint public statement of the president and opposition leaderWe are grateful to the United States for helping resolve the election stalemate. May the best person win.