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The opinion poll supports the points you made to Myca’s president about the importance of holding elections.

Sharing the results of the poll with her might also help change her mind. But she told you America should stay out of Myca’s domestic issues. She hinted there are other countries Myca could trade with if America makes too many demands.

You know the president and the leader of the Miners’ Union have at least one common goal: not to damage the Mycan economy. This would hurt ordinary Mycans who are already suffering because of the hurricane crisis. Perhaps it’s time to bring the two sides together to talk.

U.S. Embassy to Myca
Office of the Ambassador

Sharing the opinion poll would mean pushing the president pretty hard. On the one hand, this makes sense since she’s the only one with the power to call elections. But it’s also risky. The president is right that Myca has other potential trading partners.

Bringing labor and government together to talk is risky too. The union leader and the president do not like each other personally, so facilitating a conversation between them requires skill. However, they share an important common goal: a good economy. The union leader may be willing to end the strike if he can get some guarantee about elections.

What will you do?