You tell Myca’s president that the United States wants to keep its current trade deal.
You offer to fund local anti-corruption watchdog NGOs as a way to boost foreign investment in Myca. These NGOs expose government officials for abusing their power, such as taking bribes or misusing tax revenue. You point out that the president will be a stronger candidate in the upcoming elections if she takes positive steps to improve Myca’s economy.
She agrees to keep the current U.S. trade agreement and accepts your offer to fund local NGOs. Your next call is to the USAID administrator, telling her to start delivering humanitarian aid to Myca.
— Mycan taxpayerI’ll trust government officials a lot more once there are people calling them out for misusing their power.
— Los Angeles Times letter to the editorMyca is so corrupt. I hear you have to bribe public officials just to get a driver’s license. I’m glad that’s going to change.
— U.S. secretary of commerceTrade is only one aspect of economic relations between countries. Foreign investment is just as important to a strong economy.