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Congratulations! You just used the essential skills of diplomacy to navigate the hurricane crisis.

You gathered all the facts, carefully analyzed the crisis, and determined that it was most important to protect U.S. trade interests. Aware that you needed to protect American trade interests in the wake of the hurricane, you communicated your concerns with the Mycan leader. You faced a difficult decision when the graphite mines flooded and threatened both the Mycan and American economies. You also kept your composure when the miners went on strike and were then arrested by the Mycan president.

In response, you imposed travel sanctions to pressure the president to release the miners from prison. While this proved unsuccessful, you managed to safely provide as much aid as you could.

Well done!

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The Skills of Diplomacy

The nine skills of diplomacy fall into three different categories: informational, relational, and operational.

Learn more about the skills of diplomacy at diplomacy.state.gov!