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Diplomacy Classroom: Foreign Service on the Front Lines

1:00 PM


On September 22, NMAD hosted the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) for a special Diplomacy Classroom. The program, “Foreign Service on the Front Lines: Bringing Americans Home” highlighted the work and experiences of foreign service officers during the current pandemic.

NMAD Director Mary Kane and AFSA President Ambassador Eric Rubin opened the panel and introduced the special guest moderator, Ambassador Jimmy Kolker. Ambassador Kolker was joined by Alan Eaton, a Consular Officer who was part of the Wuhan Evacuation Team, and Kathryn Stevens, a USAID COVID-19 Task Force member. The three individuals led a discussion on their experiences as diplomats during global health crises. 

The program is complemented by NMAD’s online exhibit, Bringing #AmericansHome and AFSA’s July/August Volume of The Foreign Service Journal.

Watch Diplomacy Classroom: Foreign Service on the Front Lines: Bringing Americans Home