Pratt Pouch

United States c. 2013

Pratt Labs at Duke University created these ketchup-sized packets, called “Pratt Pouches,” which extend the expiration of liquid antiretrovirals for 12 months. Pharmacists fill the pouches with appropriate infant dosages so the filled pouches can be given to HIV+ expectant mothers at clinic visits. This way, mothers who give birth at home may administer the medicine in the appropriate dosage and in the necessary time to prevent infection without having to worry about the antiretrovirals expiring. These Pratt Pouches were used as part of USAID’s “Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development” programs in Ecuador and Zambia.

  • Source/Credit: Transfer from U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Catalog Number: 2015.0012.12
  • Created: c. 2013
  • Acquired: 2015

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Pratt Pouch. c. 2013. National Museum of American Diplomacy,

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Pratt Pouch, c. 2013, National Museum of American Diplomacy, Washington, DC,

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(Pratt Pouch). c. 2013 [Object]. National Museum of American Diplomacy, Washington, D.C., United States.