Diplomacy Simulations Go Virtual!
Along with museums worldwide, the National Museum of American Diplomacy (NMAD) was forced to close its doors in mid-March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In an instant, museums had to look for ways to reach their audiences virtually.
NMAD was no exception, quickly engaging with its network around its Diplomacy Simulation Program to offer the simulations virtually. With the Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN), NMAD facilitated two simulations with 40 participants through their Women in Global Policy seminar, with great success. The future public servants in the seminar stepped into the shoes of diplomats, used the skills of diplomacy, and sought and found solutions, all through Zoom.
“I absolutely loved the simulation. It was empowering to put the skills we’ve been learning about to practice and engage with one another.”
– PLEN Global Alumna
NMAD is now working with Global Ties U.S. and offering facilitation training to community organizations across the country so they, too can bring the simulation program to their audiences virtually. WorldDenver and Gulf Coast Diplomacy have already begun to offer virtual simulations through Zoom.
NMAD is also producing virtual simulations with the State Department’s Diplomats in Residence and will facilitate a program with the Rangel-Pickering Fellows later in June.
Please contact us at NMAD@state.gov if your organization would be interested in partnering with NMAD on a virtual simulation.