How to Teach History through Diplomacy Simulations
1:00 pm
NMAD has launched three historical Diplomacy Simulations!
These simulations engage participants in the art and practice of diplomacy while also introducing the contributions of the State Department and U.S. diplomats in the context of a historical event. NMAD Education Program Specialist Lauren Fischer introduced the basics of diplomacy simulations while Education Analyst Elizabeth Gearhart gave an overview of each Historical Diplomacy Simulation.
We encourage you to explore the free, new materials and hope they will make a great addition to your school year plans!
Learn how to bring simulations into your class through the timestamps
What are the National Museum of American Diplomacy simulations? 5:20
The United States sent the USS Maine battleship to Havana Harbor to protect its citizens and interests in the Spanish-Cuban conflict. On the night of February 15, 1898, an explosion rocked the ship which eventually sank, killing 266 sailors.
On July 26, 1956, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nassar nationalized the Suez Canal, intending to take control of the canal’s operation and its revenue.