Exhibits On View

Permanent Exhibit
Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection

May 2024 through October 2024
Commemorating 100 Years of the Foreign Service: The 1924 Rogers Act
In our latest “Spotlight on Diplomacy” exhibit rotation, this temporary exhibit celebrates the 100-year anniversary of the 1924 Rogers Act, which created the modern-day merit-based U.S. Foreign Service. A complete online version of this exhibit is available on our website.

Through October 2024
Diplomacy Is Our Mission
What is diplomacy? In this exhibit, we describe the work of U.S. diplomats as the “four pillars” of diplomacy: security, prosperity, democracy, and development. Explore unique stories and objects that reflect the impact of diplomacy on the United States. A complete online version of this exhibit is available on our website.

Through October 2024
American Legation in Tangier – LEGO™ Model
To capture the unique architecture of the American Legation, the team at LEGO™ utilized a novel design approach, capturing the details from inside the courtyard and designing out towards the exterior walls. The LEGO™ Model was transported to the National Museum of American Diplomacy with the generous support of the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies (FAPE) and Crozier Fine Art.

Permanent Exhibit
The “Signature Segment” of the Berlin Wall
NMAD is home to the “Signature Segment” of the Berlin Wall: a 13-foot high piece of the wall signed by 27 leaders and peacemakers. This segment, along with an accompanying exhibit on the Berlin Wall, can be viewed downstairs in the Founding Ambassadors’ Concourse.