
Showing 1–10 of 77 results

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    Poster for Pres. Clinton’s Visit to Berlin

    In July 1994, President Bill Clinton visited Germany. More than four years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany as a whole and the city of Berlin had been fully reunified. Clinton spoke in front of the Brandenburg Gate, where in 1987 President Reagan had famously called for Soviet…

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    Inscribed Plate from Jehan Sadat

    In September 1978, U.S. President Jimmy Carter invited Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin to the United States for peace negotiations. It would result in the historic Camp David Accords, bringing peace between the two countries. In the runup to that meeting, Esther Coopersmith, a well-known Washington, DC…

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    Decorated Pillowcase from Jonestown

    U.S. diplomats at posts around the world provide consular services to Americans living and working abroad as a core part of their mission. Sometimes that work is especially tragic, challenging, and dangerous. In 1978, officials from the U.S. Embassy in Guyana were making periodic consular visits to The Peoples Temple settlement, known…

  • Collection Highlights

    Preserving our Oldest Gift to a Secretary of State

    Preserving our collection is one of NMAD’s top priorities. Recently, NMAD restored the oldest diplomatic gift we have: a book given to Secretary of State John Hay in 1901.

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    Diplomatic Courier Pouch

    Diplomatic Couriers safely and securely deliver classified messages and material to U.S. embassies and consulates around the world. This leather courier pouch from the early 20th century in the National Museum of American Diplomacy’s collection was used by diplomatic couriers to securely transport diplomatic materials. Retired couriers who were consulted when the…

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    Diplomatic Courier’s Overnight Bag

    U.S. Diplomatic Couriers are some of the most traveled people in the world. They’re responsible for ensuring that classified materials are safely and securely transported across international borders. Without their hard work, U.S. missions and consulates couldn’t function. Few objects in our collection illustrate the breadth and frequency of a diplomatic courier’s…

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    Tags from Secretary Christopher’s Travels

    As U.S. Secretary of State, Warren Chistopher (1993-1997) traveled extensively in order to advance foreign policy goals. All of those who have served as the Secretary in recent decades have done the same. These tags represent some of those trips. They include one (top, center) from his trip to Wright-Patterson Air Force…