Poster for Pres. Clinton’s Visit to Berlin

Germany 1994

In July 1994, President Bill Clinton visited Germany. More than four years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany as a whole and the city of Berlin had been fully reunified.

Clinton spoke in front of the Brandenburg Gate, where in 1987 President Reagan had famously called for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “open this gate” and “tear down this wall.” This poster advertised Clinton’s speech. With the gate now open and the wall gone, President Clinton and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl strolled together under the gate to highlight a united Germany and strong U.S.-German relations.

  • Source/Credit: Gift of Llewellyn Hedgbeth
  • Catalog Number: 2023.0013.01
  • Created: 1994
  • Acquired: 2023

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Poster for Pres. Clinton’s Visit to Berlin. 1994. National Museum of American Diplomacy,

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Poster for Pres. Clinton’s Visit to Berlin, 1994, National Museum of American Diplomacy, Washington, DC,

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(Poster for Pres. Clinton’s Visit to Berlin). 1994 [Object]. National Museum of American Diplomacy, Washington, D.C., United States.