Cultural and Sports Diplomacy

Cultural and sports diplomacy is the exchange of sports, ideas, information, art, language, and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples to foster mutual understanding.

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    Commemorative Fulbright Briefcase

    Named after a freshman U.S. senator from Arkansas, the Fulbright Program is a prestigious international educational exchange program supported both by Congress and partner foreign nations. More than 1,000 Nigerians have participated in the Fulbright program over the years. This commemorative briefcase is from a Fulbright Alumni Association of Nigeria conference in…

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    Connie Sweeris's U.S. Passport

    In April 1971, nine players from the U.S. Table Tennis team took a historic trip to China. Their trip was the start of what became known as “ping pong diplomacy” and helped lay the groundwork for establishing official diplomatic relations between the United States and China. This was issued in 1967 to…

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    Tampa Bay Rays Autographed Baseball

    This baseball was signed by the Tampa Bay Rays players who participated in the March 22, 2016, exhibition game between the Rays and the Cuban National Team at Estadio Latinoame, Havana, Cuba. U.S. President Barack Obama and his family and Cuban President Raoul Castro attended the game. The game occurred during Obama’s…

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    Amerika Haus Frankfurt Poster

    In divided Germany after World War II, the United States established the “Amerika Häuser” (America House) program as part of the American military government’s efforts to re-familiarize the German population with western ideals of democracy and human rights after twelve years of Nazi domination. Amerika Häuser were the foundation of what some…

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    Ambassador Satch Record Album

    During the height of the Cold War, the State Department used music to bridge gaps and ease tensions. American Jazz Ambassadors, including Louis Armstrong, Dave Brubeck, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, and Billie Holiday, traveled the world representing the United States. Voice of America radio also brought their music to millions…

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    Autographed Cal Ripken, Jr. Baseball Jersey

    Baseball jersey autographed by Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr., a SportsUnited Public Diplomacy Envoy who has traveled abroad on behalf of the U.S. Department of State to put on baseball clinics and work with kids affected by disasters.

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    Ping-Pong Paddle

    In April 1971, nine players from the U.S. Table Tennis team took a historic trip to China. Their trip was the start of what became known as “ping-pong diplomacy” and helped lay the groundwork for establishing official diplomatic relations between the United States and China. Connie Sweeris was one of the nine…