Ledger of Passport Renewals, USSR

United States 1926

This State Department ledger records information about the issuance and renewal of passports for Americans living in or traveling to the Soviet Union (USSR), including details of specific individuals' cases, dating from 1926 through the late 1930s. The case of Robert N. Robinson, an African American engineer who ended up trapped in the Soviet Union for over 40 years, is documented in entries in this ledger. Robinson's case reflects the intersection of citizenship, race, and fear of Communism in the United States.

  • Source/Credit: Transfer from the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State
  • Catalog Number: 2013.0016.05
  • Created: 1926
  • Acquired: 2013

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Ledger of Passport Renewals, USSR. 1926. National Museum of American Diplomacy, https://diplomacy.state.gov/items/ledger-of-passport-renewals-ussr

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Ledger of Passport Renewals, USSR, 1926, National Museum of American Diplomacy, Washington, DC, https://diplomacy.state.gov/items/ledger-of-passport-renewals-ussr

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(1926). Ledger of Passport Renewals, USSR [Object]. National Museum of American Diplomacy, Washington, D.C., United States. https://diplomacy.state.gov/items/ledger-of-passport-renewals-ussr

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