Diplomacy in the Contemporary World (2001-Present)

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Showing 21–30 of 108 results

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    Arochukwu Textile

    U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria Robin Renee Sanders, who served in the role from 2007-2010, received this textile as part of a chieftaincy ceremony in which she was named “Adamazi.”

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    Damaged Great Seal Emblem

    This large metal Great Seal emblem, measuring approximately 4 ft. in diameter, was located at the entrance to the U.S. Consulate Herat, Afghanistan, and was damaged during the September 13, 2013, attack on the consulate by a truck bomb. Eight Afghan guards lost their lives defending the Consulate during this attack.

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    USAID Personal Hygiene Kit Items

    Items from personal hygiene kit, c. 2014. A “personal hygiene kit” is a box of basic hygiene supplies, utilized by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance to help prevent outbreaks of communicable illness in disaster areas across the globe.

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    Commemorative African Headrest

    The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is a Department of State-sponsored effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. Launched in 2010, YALI supports young Africans’ efforts to generate economic prosperity, strengthen democratic governance, and enhance peace and security across Sub-Saharan Africa. YALI includes a fellowship program, an online community,…

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    Civilian Response Corps "Go Bag"

    The Civilian Response Corps brings together employees of federal agencies, primarily Department of State and USAID, who are trained and equipped to deploy rapidly to provide reconstruction and stabilization assistance to countries in crisis or emerging from conflict. This is an example of a "go bag" provided to those who deploy.

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    Mechanical Sewing Machine

    In 2007, the U.S. Embassy in Cambodia distributed 1,200 sewing machines, like this one, to Muslim communities across the country. The sewing machines were part of the State Department’s “Shared Futures” initiative. They were used to establish micro-enterprise centers to help individuals and families become more financially self-sufficient.

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    Inscribed Canadian Flag

    After the 9/11 attacks, U.S. embassies and consulates around the world became memorial sites, filled with offerings of all kinds. Condolence gifts included flowers, candles, personal notes, drawings, and mementos. International first responders also expressed their sorrow at the loss of so many who had given their lives in the face of…

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    Mask Pendant Necklace

    Gold pendant necklace with sapphire jewels, in the shape of a traditional mask. It was gifted to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her trip to Papua New Guinea in November 2010 by the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Michael Somare.

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    “We are Americans” Note

    After the 9/11 attacks, U.S. embassies and consulates around the world became memorial sites, filled with offerings of all kinds. Condolence gifts included flowers, candles, personal notes, drawings, and mementos. International first responders also expressed their sorrow at the loss of so many who had given their lives in the face of…

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    Decorative Spherical Glass Container

    Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan of Turkey presented this decorative container to Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton on July 15, 2011, on the occasion of Secretary Clinton's visit to Istanbul for the fourth meeting of the Libya Contact Group to discuss the ongoing conflict in Libya.