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Showing 141–150 of 226 results

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    USINT Havana Recipe Book

    In the early 1990s, Cubans suffered chronic shortages during what became known as the “Special Period” following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the economic assistance upon which they depended. Created by employees of the U.S. Interests Section (USINT) Havana, this recipe book provided ideas using the scant ingredients available at…

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    “President Bush’s Trip to Australia” Booklet

    Known as a “trip book,” this one is from President George H.W. Bush’s trip to Australia at the end of 1991. Trip books like this are used by U.S. diplomats during foreign travel by high-level officials and other important events, so the numerous participants know all the important “who, what, where and…

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    Missile Shrapnel Commemorative Gift

    The piece of jagged metal atop this item was part of a missile destroyed under the terms of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty of 1987, signed by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Small pieces of metal were salvaged from one of the many nuclear weapons disabled and destroyed…

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    Election Party Ballot

    Invitation (top) and ballot (bottom) for 1988 U.S. election day program at the U.S. Information Service (USIS)’s American Center in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Attendees were able to “cast their ballots” (printed on the back of their invitations) in favor of the Democratic or Republican candidates for U.S. president.

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    Tear Gas Canister

    U.S. Ambassador to Paraguay Clyde Taylor served during the rule of an anti-democratic and hostile government in the late 1980s. While attending a pro-democracy reception at a private residence on February 10, 1987, the Paraguayan police lobbed this tear gas canister into the garden in his vicinity. Ambassador Taylor and others suffered…

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    “Terrorism: Avoidance & Survival” Booklet

    “Terrorism: Avoidance and Survival” booklet, published in 1986 by the Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State. Aimed at Foreign Service Officers and others working and living abroad, the booklet provides detailed guidance on avoiding and surviving terrorism.

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    Diplomatic License Plates

    The Office of Foreign Missions at the Department of State is mandated to ensure that all diplomatic benefits, privileges, and immunities are properly exercised in accordance with federal laws and international agreements. This mandate includes providing a range of services to the foreign diplomatic community in the United States, including issuance of…

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    “Hostage Cross” Necklace

    Kathryn Koob was a Foreign Service Officer who was serving in Tehran when the American embassy was seized by Iranian militants on Nov. 4, 1979. She became one of two women who were held hostage during the entire ordeal. Koob is a person of deep faith, which sustained her while held captive.…

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    Sinai Field Mission Uniform

    After the 1973 war between Egypt and Israel, Israel withdrew from the strategic Giddi Pass and Mitla Pass in the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for monitoring by third parties. The United States established the Sinai Field Mission (SFM) to monitor the number of personnel, weapons, and vehicles that were going into the…

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    Engraved Silver Tray

    Silver tray given to Chargé d’Affaires Lloyd M. Rives by General Lon Nol, Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic (Cambodia). Rives re-opened the Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, in August 1969 after it had been closed for more than four years. The ongoing war in neighboring Vietnam created challenges in the…