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Showing 201–210 of 226 results

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    Hans Tuch's “Kitchen Cabinet” Certificate

    U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev famously debated the merits of communism versus capitalism while on a tour of the American National Exhibition in Moscow in 1959, pausing at the display of a modern kitchen. U.S. Embassy Moscow Public Affairs Officer Hans Tuch accompanied Nixon on this tour…

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    Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty's Missal

    Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty was the highest Catholic official in Hungary mid-20th century during the Soviet takeover of Hungary. He was opposed to communism and sentenced with treason. His life was in danger, and he sought and received asylum at the U.S. Embassy, Budapest on November 4, 1956. He ended up staying at…

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    Silver Tray gifted to Secretary Acheson

    Silver tray engraved with signatures of Washington, D.C. foreign Chiefs of Mission -- the ambassadors and ministers in the U.S. representing other countries -- given to Secretary of State Dean Acheson upon his retirement in January 1953.

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    “A Job Worth Training For” Pamphlet

    This circa 1950 publication distributed to U.S. Department of State employees emphasizes the importance of training in achieving the overall goals of the agency. Required training included: introduction to the Department for new employees, formal class instruction at FSI, on the job training by supervisors, intern programs, and counseling for outside educational…

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    State Department Comic

    “The Story Behind the State Department” comic, from True Comics #75, published February 1949. True Comics was an educational comic book for children that portrayed government and historical figures rather than superheroes.

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    Edward Dudley's Commission as Ambassador to Liberia

    In 1948, President Truman appointed Edward R. Dudley to serve as U.S. Minister to Liberia. Dudley was a civil rights lawyer from New York who worked at the NAACP with Thurgood Marshall. At the time of Dudley’s appointment, the U.S. Government represented its interests through a legation in Monrovia. In 1949, Truman…

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    Germany Basic Handbook

    American diplomat Arthur Tienken used this handbook while serving in the Kreis Resident Officer Program in Germany after World War II. Resident Officers were U.S. representatives posted throughout Germany. They developed relations with the local populations and assisted in the transition from a post-war U.S.-occupied government to one under German control. Published…

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    Constance Harvey's Dog Tags

    These wartime dog tags belonged to Foreign Service Officer Constance R. Harvey, one of the first women in the Foreign Service. Harvey was awarded the Medal of Freedom in 1947 for her meritorious service with the French Underground from 1941-1942. Her citation reads, in part: “Despite close surveillance by Gestapo agents and…

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    Lester Schnare's German Diplomatic ID Card

    Diplomatic identification card issued to U.S. Consul Lester L. Schnare in Hamburg, Germany, 1935. Identification documents of various types are frequently issued by host governments to resident diplomats.